
Our business covers the End-to end project life cycle: consultant service for initialization, system development, system implementation, system & facility maintenance.

Our Mission is to empower our customers by cutting edge technologies and our expertise.

Core Team

Luke Luo, 创始人, CEO

Intel, SAP background, top notch MFG automation, ERP, EPM,Supply Chain, E-Commerce

Digital transformation consulting

Harrison Liu

Pre-Accenturer, Large scale digital transformation / DevOps / Agile / Vendor Management

Leon Lu

SAP&QAD&Ebay background, DevOps architect / cross board e-commerce / AI/automation

Eric Song

Huawei, IOT / AI&Big data / Cloud platform / Digital transformation, consulting and solution

Richard Sun

CTO background, digital transformation consulting / implementation / support

Stephen Wang

Microsoft Dynamics 365 / supply chain / CRM / ERP / WMS / TMS / OMS / ODOO

Waley Wang

Digital transformation, Six Sigma BB, consulting / supply chain / company M&A / new company setup

Jerry Jia

20 years of expertise in Enterprise AI. Head of Ali Group for AI innovative products, and the Vice President of  business and solutions at DataGrand

Tianle Chen

Security consulting / solution / implementation, Infra solution & implementation & OS core level support.

Tony Yue

Solution Design / Business Analysis / ITO head / Delivery head / Customer care for global clients